Task 5 organized coordination meetings for ground-based observational campaigns with a strong focus on the inclusion of new communities and amateur astronomers. In particular the astronomical professionals of the new member-states was addressed and integrated in the observation network. IWF Graz provided a system through the database of ground-based observatories (http://europlanet-na1.oeaw.ac.at/matrix/) which allowed amateurs to setup their own database. The criteria for the observation topics was elaborated together with Tasks 2 and 3. Results of the campaigns were presented in separate scientific workshops in cooperation with Task 2. Their outcome is published on the NA website; summary reports and observation plans were prepared to inform the broad community.
Observational results is put into respective databases and access infrastructures available within the project after proper verification, as part of the activity in the VA6-VESPA work package. This was performed in collaboration with the respective VA and JRA activities, which provided the knowledge for suitable metadata standards and access protocols. Amateur education workshops were organized on a regular basis. Some preliminary themes for Workshops were identified as follows:
12-13 May 2016: Juno Ground-Based Support from Amateurs: Science and Public Impact, Observatoire de la Cote de Azur in Nice, France. [website]
20-22 June 2016: Workshop on Rosetta Ground-based Observation Campaign, Seggau, Austria [website]
02-12, August, 2016: Europlanet & European Astrobiology Campus Summer School 2016 on Exoplanets”, Molètai Astronomical Observatory, Molètai, Lithuania, website: http://mao.tfai.vu.lt/schools/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=104&Itemid=133
25-27, October, 2016: 8th International Workshop on Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions, Seggau, Austria, website: http://pre8.oeaw.ac.at/
9-12, June, 2017: Pic du Midi T1M planets observation campaigns workshop: An international amateur workshop supported by Europlanet 2020-RI, Pic du Midi, France, website: http://www.astrosurf.com/delcroix/PicDuMidi_T1M/PicduMidi_T1M_Europlanet_workshop.htm
17-22, September, 2017: Amateur collaborations in small bodies, terrestrial, giant and exo planets professional studies, Amateur Astronomy Session, EPSC 2017, Riga, Latvia, website: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EPSC2017/session/26126
17-22, September, 2017: Juno Ground-Based Support from Amateurs, Amateur Astronomy Session, EPSC 2017, Riga, Latvia, website: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EPSC2017/session/26127
18-27, July, 2017:,Alpbach Summer School: The Dusty Universe", Alpbach, Austria, website: https://armacad.info/alpbach-summer-school-the-dusty-universe-18-27-july-2017-austria
18-28, July, 2017: Europlanet Summer School 2017 "Space Missions: Ground-based Observations and Science Communication", Moletai, Lithuania, website: http://mao.tfai.vu.lt/schools/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=126&Itemid=180
19-22, October, 2017: Tools and Services for Planetary Observations and Image Analysis by Amateurs, IRAP and Pic du Midi, France
10-11, May, 2018: New Views of Jupiter: Pro-Am Collaborations during and beyond the NASA Juno Mission, Royal Astronomical Society, London, UK, website: http://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/physics/people/leighfletcher/ras-juno-europlanet-meeting-2018