Internal NA1 and EPN2020 project meeting and workshop minutes and other material is available for all project personnel after login to the project service.
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7.-8.8.2019: "NA1 final meeting", Tallinn, Estonia
17.6-2.8.2019: "Astrophysical Origins: Pathways from Star Formation to Habitable Planets", Vienna, Austria [Report. PDF]
21.7-3.8.2019: "Desing of small satellite missions for planetary studies", Tartu, Estonia
February-July 2019: "Pic du Midi Workshop Series", Pic du Midi, France
July 2019: "Uniting Planetary Models and Data Analysis Tools and Services - Part 2", Kalamata, Greece [Report. PDF]
July 2019: "Europlanet Summer School 2019", Moletai, Lithuania
July 2019: "Alpbach Summer School", Alpbach, Austria
6.-12.7.2019: "IPPW: Planetary Entry Probes - Science & Technology", Oxford, UK [Report. PDF]
1.-3.7.2019: "2nd Vespa Mapping workshop", Saint Rémy lès Chevreuse, France [Report. PDF]
11.-21.6.2019: "Vulcano Summer School From Planetary Sciences to Ocean Exploration", Vulcano, Italy [Website] [Report. PDF]
10.-13.6.2019: "Impacts and their Role in the Evolution of Life", Tällberg, Sweden [Report. PDF]
21.5.-23.5.2019: "7th European Lunar Symposium", Manchester, UK [Website]
22.-23.5.2019: "Mars Atmospheric Science and Recent Mars Missions Workshop", El Escorial, Spain [Website]
10.-13.5.2019: "Integrations of satellite and ground-based observations and multi-disciplinarity in research and prediction of different types of hazards in Solar system", Valjevo, Serbia [Website] [Report. PDF]
25.-28.4.2019: "Pro-Am exoplanet observations workshop", Helsinki, Finland [Website]
25.-29.3.2019: "Rosetta Workshop", Helsinki, Finland [Website]
18.-22.3.2019: "Planetary instrumentation", Saariselkä, Finland [Website]
11.-15.2.2019: "Outer planet moon-magnetosphere interactions", Selfoss, Iceland [Website] [Report. PDF]
18.-22.2.2019: "Planetary laboratory experiments", Stirling, UK [Website]
18.-22.2.2019: "BepiColombo Young Scientists Meeting", Coimbra, Portugal [Report. PDF]
12.-16.11.2018: "ISSI workshop 3: Comparative study of the atmospheres of planets and exoplanets", Bern, Switzerland
22.-26.10.2018: "ISSI workshop 2: Reading terrestrial planet evolution in isotopes and element measurements", Bern, Switzerland
15.-22.10.2018: "PLATO 2.0 Citizen Planetentest", Astras, Kea, Greece
16.-21.9.2018: "European Planetary Science Congress 2018", Berlin, Germany
18.9.2018: "Professional-Amateur collaborations in small bodies, terrestrial, giant, exo planets studies and Juno Ground-Based Support", Berlin, Germany (EPSC 2019)
12.-14.9.2018: "Uniting Planetary Models and Data Analysis Tools and Services", Kalamata, Greece
11.-12.9.2018: NA1 progress meeting 7 / 3rd annual meeting, Budapest, Hungary
5-7.9.2018: "Physics of Comets after the Rosetta Mission: Unresolved Problems", Stara Lesna, Slovakia
17.-18.8.2018: "Basics of Astrobiology" summer school, Vienna, Austria
13.-18.8.2018: "Microsatellites in planetary and atmospheric research", Tarto, Estonia
17.-19.7.2018: "Tools and Services for Planetary Observations and Image Analysis by Amateurs", IRAP and Pic du Midi, France
24.6.-1.7.2018: "Geology and geophysics of the solar system bodies", Valjevo, Serbia
19.-21.6.2018: "Didymos Observer Workshop 2018", Prague, Czech Republic
11.-15.6.2018: Europlanet 2018 workshop "Planetary Atmospheric Erosion", Murighiol, Romania, [website]
10.-11.5.2018: "New Views of Jupiter: Pro-Am Collaborations during and beyond the NASA Juno Mission", Royal Astronomical Society, London, UK
April-May 2018: "Ground-based support of the Aida mission", Prague, Czech Republic
16.-17.4.2018: ASIME 2 (Asteroid Science Intersections with In-Space Mine Engineering), Luxemburg [website]
26.-30.3.2018: "Kuiper belt objects", Coimbra, Portugal
5.-8.2.2018: "ISSI workshop 1: Role of Sample Return Missions in the Exploration of the Inner Solar System", ISSI, Bern, Switzerland
28.11.-1.12.2017: "Space weather and radiation design", ESWW, Oostende, Belgium
27.-29.11.2017: "Sharing Planetary modelling run results in VESPA", Brussels, Belgium,
9.-10.10.2017 "Sun's influence on planets", IRAP, Toulouse, France [Report, PDF]
25-30.9.2017: "Geosciences for understanding habitability in the solar system", Azores, Portugal [Report. PDF]
17-22 September 2017: EPSC 2017, Riga, Latvia
17-22 September 2017: "Towards a Moon Village: Technology foresight workshop", EPSC 2017, Riga, Latvia. For more information contact Bernard Foing (, Manuel Grande (m.grande(at)
17-22 September, 2017: Amateur collaborations in small bodies, terrestrial, giant and exo planets professional studies, Amateur Astronomy Session, EPSC 2017, Riga, Latvia, [website]
17-22 September, 2017: Juno Ground-Based Support from Amateurs, Amateur Astronomy Session, EPSC 2017, Riga, Latvia, [website]
8-10 August 2017: "Early history of planetary systems and habitable planets", Tartu, Estonia [Report. PDF]
24-26 July 2017: "5th CHEOPS science workshop", Seggau, Austria [Report, PDF]
18-28 July 2017: Europlanet Summer School 2017 "Space Missions: Ground-based Observations and Science Communication", Moletai, Lithuania [website]
18-27 July 2017: "Alpbach Summer School: Dust in the Solar system", Alpbach, Austria [website]
9-12 June, 2017: Pic du Midi T1M planets observation campaigns workshop: An international amateur workshop supported by Europlanet 2020-RI, Pic du Midi, France [website]
19-23 June 2017: "Comets Formation", Sofia, Bulgaria [Report, PDF]
19-21 April 2017: "Planetary Mapping through Virtual Observatory", Roscoff, France [website] [report]
26-30 March 2017: "Exomars Atmospheric Science and Missions Workshop", Saariselkä, Finland [website]
20-24 March 2017: "Dynamics of planetary systems (Alexander von Humboldt Symposium)", Salzburg, Austria
14-18 November 2016: Workshop on "Space weather and radiation design", in conjunction with PSWS, Antwerpen, Belgium. For more information contact Manuel Grande (m.grande(at)
25-27 October 2016: 8th International Workshop on Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions, Seggau, Austria [website]
24-27 October 2016: the annual US technology foresight meeting IWIPM-3, coincide with the EPSC-DPS joint meeting in Pasadena, USA. For more information contact Manuel Grande (m.grande(at)
21-23 September 2016: ASIME Asteroid mining addressed the scientific inputs needed to enable this technology, Luxemburg. For more information contacts Amara Graps, Manuel Grande (graps(at), m.grande(at)
13-15 September 2016: ISSI-Europlanet 2020 forum "Future outstanding questions for solar system planetary science, and associated key representative space missions", ISSI, Bern, CH. For more information contacts Michel Blanc, Manuel Grande (michel.blanc(at), m.grande(at)
31 August - 1 September 2016: EPN2020 NA1 Progress Meeting, Helsinki, Finland
02-12 August 2016: Summer School “Europlanet & European Astrobiology Campus Summer School 2016 on Exoplanets”, Molètai Astronomical Observatory, Molètai, Lithuania [website]
20-22 June 2016: Workshop on Rosetta Ground-based Observation Campaign, Seggau, Austria [website]
7-9 June 2016: Workshop on Mars 3D visualization, MSSL, Surrey, UK
12-13 May 2016: Juno Ground-Based Support from Amateurs: Science and Public Impact, Observatoire de la Cote de Azur in Nice, France. [website]
24.-25.11.2015: Kick-off meeting, Göttingen, Germany
27.9.-2.10.2015: EPSC 2015: WPB+ Meeting, La Cité des Congrès, Nantes, France