OSAPOL Services Scheme
Heavy rainfall alert service for any user
Interactive SMS user interface
- Ordering (1400 customers in 2012)
- Receiving alert messages (á 30 or 60 c)
- Location (village, suburb)
- On-off switch any time
- Two class thresholds (any rain, heavy rain)
Not selectable
- Accumulation period (now 1 h, 3 h and 12 h combined)
- Threshold amount (e.g. 1 mm or 62 mm)
- Number of alerts (max 5/day)
- Dissemination threshold for exceedance probability (e.g. small, moderate, large or 75 %) ? now fixed at 50 %
Example service message:
- Weak rain at suburb Leppävaara will start at 18:15.
- The probability of rain is 60 %.
(radar map available from an other application).
Professional application: Influent management at Helsinki WWTP
- Alarming of predicted influent increase (capacity problems possible in extreme cases)
- Bypass flow minimization (environment risk)
- Operative actions to optimize influent tunnel volume (pumping)