OSAPOL Services Scheme

Heavy rainfall alert service for any user

Interactive SMS user interface

  • Ordering (1400 customers in 2012)
  • Receiving alert messages (á 30 or 60 c)


  • Location (village, suburb)
  • On-off  switch any time
  • Two class thresholds (any rain, heavy rain)

Not selectable

  • Accumulation period (now 1 h, 3 h and 12 h combined)
  • Threshold amount (e.g. 1 mm or 62 mm)
  • Number of alerts (max 5/day)
  • Dissemination threshold for exceedance probability (e.g. small, moderate, large or   75 %) ? now fixed at 50 %

Example service message:

  • Weak rain at suburb Leppävaara will start at 18:15.
  • The probability of rain is 60 %.

(radar map available from an other application).

Professional application: Influent management at Helsinki WWTP


  1. Alarming of predicted influent increase (capacity problems possible in extreme cases)
  2. Bypass flow minimization (environment risk)
  3. Operative actions to optimize influent tunnel volume (pumping)