SMUFF Dissemination

  1. SMUFF –Seamless probabilistic multi-source forecasting of heavy rainfall hazards for European flood awareness, Jarmo Koistinen, Paul Smith, Marc Berenguer, Shinju Park, Daniel Sempere-Torres, Ahti Burtsoff, Heikki Sinisalo and Annakaisa von Lerber; EFAS 2018 [Poster presentation, PDF]; 2018
  2. Long-term analysis of gauge-adjusted Pan-European radar rainfall accumulations. Park, S., M. Berenguer, D. Sempere-Torres; WP6 European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, Ede-Wageningen, July 2018; [Oral presentation]; 2018
  3. Pan-European multi-instrumental rainfall composite (PERC)H. Sinisalo, S. Pulkkinen, A. Von Lerber, and J. Koistinen; WP6 European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, Ede-Wageningen, July 2018  [Poster presentation]; 2018
  4. Seamless probabilistic MUlti-source Forecasting of heavy rainfall hazards for European Flood awareness – SMUFF project; J. Koistinen, A. von Lerber, S. Pulkkinen, H. Sinisalo, M. Berenguer, S. Park, D. Sempere, C. Prudhomme, W.- K. Wong, C. Baugh, A. Burtsoff, and S. Delgado Molina; EGU General Assembly 2019, April 7-12, 2019 Vienna
  5. A real-time pan-European flash flood hazard assessment and early warnings based on OPERA composites: Case studies; S. Park, M. Berenguer, and D. Sempere-Torres
  6. Long-term analysis of gauge-adjusted radar rainfall accumulations at European scale; S. Park, M. Berenguer, and D. Sempere-Torres (2019); Journal of Hydrology, vol.573, pp. 768-777, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.03.093.

SMUFF Webinars

The SMUFF project has organized two webinars focusing on recent advancements in predicting heavy rainfall and flooding as part of the Interactive Seminar on Seamless Probabilistic Forecasting of Heavy Rainfall and Flooding. The event was held at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) in Reading, UK, 1-2 October 2019. You can find the recordings of the webinar presentations below and the more detailed webinar programme HERE.

Day 1

Welcome words - Jarmo Koistinen
General state of tools for emergency response to natural hazards in Europe - Peter Salamon
Expectations for SMUFF from civil protection end-users - Ahti Burtsoff & Cristina Vicente Moreno
General state of emergency response to natural hazards at national scale throughout Europe and in Finland - Taito Vainio
SMUFF Rainfall forecasting products - Annakaisa von Lerber
SMUFF Flash flood hazard forecasting products - Marc Berenguer
SMUFF flood risk forecasting products - Calum Baugh
SMUFF urban flood hazard forecasting product - Tero Niemi
Questions & Closure of the session - Jarmo Koistinen

Day 2

SMUFF Catalonia Case Study - Cristina Vicente Moreno
SMUFF Finnish Case Study - Ville Estlander
SMUFF Balkan Case Study - Tatjana Vujnovic & Andrea Pieralice
SMUFF Webinar - open discussion